Prostate massage is recommended for almost all representatives of the stronger sex, because, thanks to it, you can easily cope with congestion and many very unpleasant sores, for example, with prostatitis. Also, if there is a desire to increase your sexual potential and power, then you absolutely cannot do without these procedures.
Stimulation of the prostate itself brings vivid impulses and sensations, for which it was called the male g-spot. It is no secret that many couples, experienced in love, use this type of affection with strength and gentleman and, even seemingly cold, are not indifferent to them. If they loudly claim otherwise, they most likely have not tried them or are simply afraid for their heterosexual orientation.
What is the male g-spot
Despite the long-standing mystery surrounding women's pleasure centers, everything is more or less clear about the g-spot in men (prostate). This gland, the size of a walnut, is one of the most important areas of the reproductive system as it produces and removes ejaculate. It is located above the perineum and surrounds the urethra and the neck of the bladder. It is crossed by numerous nerve bundles, so the male g-spot is extremely sensitive.
G-spot massagers
Orgasm researchers argue that it is best to have sex with a normal partner, constantly updating the "repertoire". In an erotic environment, you can use one or two fingers for massage or purchase a special g-spot stimulator made of latex, silicone, medical plastic.
You can use the toys alone or in pairs, choosing them as you like:
- with multiple modes,
- with rotating balls,
- with pimples,
- or with electrical impulse function.
Gentle or intense movements can give a man incomparable bliss, conquer him and enslave him, because nothing of the stronger sex appreciates as deeply as the ability to caress his genitals. Also, when stimulated, they will experience multiple ejaculations that occur after a few minutes.
How to find the g-spot in men?

The prostate can be felt (of course, with the consent of a partner) through the back door. It is located a few centimeters from the entrance to the anus from the pubic side. Having found a seal, the question immediately arises: "How to properly massage the g-spot? "
Wanting to expand your erotic horizon, you need to protect yourself and arm yourself in advance with a special lubricant, as well as a fingertip or glove. It is better to start with relaxing movements, for example, with light stimulating strokes of the back, buttocks, gently approaching the sphincter. If it is difficult to approach the dear area, you can ask your loved one to lie on your back and put a leg on your shoulder.
You must gradually insert your finger into the anus, pressing lightly until it is completely hidden inside. Then try to make recall movements, after which it becomes clear where the male g-spot is, and if the partner's moans become louder, the goal is achieved.
External stimulation of the male g-spot
Often heterosexual partners categorically refuse stimulation, and according to statistics, Americans love male g-spot massage much more than others. It is also true that this fact does not stop many women, but on the contrary, it encourages the desire to give their beloved a source of new vivid impressions.
In this case, you can pay attention to the area located between the anus and the testicles. Pressing and stroking the g-spot of the guys here will not only turn them on with a half turn, but also remind them of the sweet minutes of the approaching climax. However, everything is purely individual, some are susceptible to massage in this zone, others are indifferent to them.
Medical indications
In addition to eroticism, there are medical indications for prostate stimulation. Knowing where the male g-spot is, you can start a special course for improving health, but first it is recommended to visit a urologist. Not only will it identify possible contraindications, but it will "purify" the organ from clots and "jamming".
The G-spot massage for men is a special session that does not tolerate misunderstandings.
Conquering new heights, it will not be superfluous to remember that the prostate is not intended only for sexual pleasures, but also performs important functions for the body, therefore, it is necessary to observe the rules of safety and hygiene!