Power improvement. Nutrition for potency. Products that increase potency.
Nutrition for potency. Products that increase potency

Humanity has long been looking for a means to enhance the potency it can cause and increase sexual potency and pleasure. The Greeks even came up with a name for them - aphrodisiacs, reminiscent of the name of the Greek goddess Aphrodite. An important place among them is given to love dishes - products that increase potency, which form the basis of the so-called erotic cuisine of love. Aphrodisiacs perform four functions simultaneously: they activate sexual and erotic feelings and desires, rejuvenate the body, keep sexual functions at the right level and increase potency.
Nutrition for potency
It has long been believed that products that have a specific activating effect are useful for male sexual activity and to improve potency. In Europe and North America, this effect has been attributed to raw chicken eggs and nuts. More exotic products were also used: rhino horn, snake blood, testicles of various animals.
Today, scientists have established that for normal potency and sexual activity in human food there should be sufficient "multiplying vitamins" E and A, in addition to vitamin B, which improves the effective conduction of impulses along the nerves. To increase potency, the amount of food consumed is also important. Overeating does not help increase potency and sensuality. In an ancient Indian treatise, there is this entry: "Half of the stomach should be filled with food, a quarter of water and a quarter should be left empty to control breathing. "
Products that increase potency
What products should be consumed to increase sexual potency and activity? First of all, this is plant food. Nuts plants: hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios, walnuts. Fruits: oranges, lemons, figs, pomegranates. Vegetables: all types of onions - green onions, leeks, onions, onions. At the time of ancient Rome, Pliny the Elder wrote: "The bow pushes even lazy men into the arms of Venus". And if the onion is mixed with eggs, its miraculous power increases several times. As scientists have shown, onions restore hormonal balance in the body and contain substances that increase potency.
Spicy vegetables: purslane, savory, thyme, St. John's wort, mint, anise, cumin, tarragon.
Garden turnip seeds strongly stimulate desire and increase potency. Boiled turnip with meat has the same effect on increasing potency.

We recall Freud, who noted that foods such as mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, nettles and rye bread increase a man's sexual potential. Special mention should be made of dandelion. A few dandelion leaves during flowering can greatly increase a man's strength and sexual potency. The French even have a special diet for dandelions. Milk-based dishes: cottage cheese, kefir, cheese, yogurt. Ricotta and cheese are best used as a dressing for salads and vinaigrettes. Protein food. For the preparation of erotic dishes that increase potency, meat of large and small cattle, game and fish is often used. Among fish in love with erotic cuisine, flounder is a special honor. It is called the fish that awakens love. From game pheasant and thrush are preferable. Cock combs are considered a delicacy of love.
For those who want to increase sexual power and desire, seafood is very useful: shellfish, crustaceans, mussels, shrimps.
Camel stomach (rennet) is one of the most powerful foods to increase potency and erection. It is recommended to take 3 g of this product (a piece about the size of a pea) before intercourse. The strength of the rennet is like the strength of a beaver jet. Increase sexual desire and natural wine vinegar (as well as sour grape juice).
Sweet foods have stimulating properties. Honey mixed with 300 g of milk, eggs and 1 tbsp. spoon of yeast, it will serve as a good reinforcement after a sleepless night of love
Boiled mackerel has wonderful properties for increasing potency. With its frequent consumption, a man's potency is greatly increased and, as they say in ancient medical books, "semen is abundant" and women have many times the chance to get pregnant.
The Chinese still believe that dog meat, seasoned with vegetable oil and turtle blood, is one of the most powerful means of increasing potency and erection. In the old days, to increase potency, a dish was often prepared, called "men's soup". For its preparation, they took 2 tablespoons. spoons cut into small pieces of meat, minced small bone, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 1 medium-sized turnip, 4-5 fresh dandelion leaves, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped fresh nettle, salt. The washed minced bone and meat were mixed with finely chopped carrots, turnips and onions. The whole was poured with hot salted water, brought to a boil and cooked for 10 minutes. Then the pan was removed from the heat and infused for 30 minutes at room temperature. At the bottom of the dish, washed crushed dandelion and nettle leaves were placed, and the hot stew was poured into a dish, topping it with sour cream.
The ancient herbalists mention another love potion that increases potency, which was very popular with healers. For its preparation, 200 g of plums, 200 g of raisins, 200 g of dried figs were needed (all fruits were taken without seeds) and 12 pieces of walnut kernels. Finely chop everything, mix and store on a glacier or in the refrigerator. Take 2 tablespoons a day. spoons of mixture, preferably in the afternoon. Drink with sour milk, yogurt or kefir. For a long time there has been another means of increasing potency. Finely chop 1 kg of juicy garlic and put it in a three-liter jar. Pour boiled water to the top, close the lid tightly and store in a dark place for 30 days. Shake every day. Take 1 teaspoon in a glass of milk 1 time per day. Drink until the medicine runs out. The medicine acts according to the type of the famous ancient Tibetan recipe for rejuvenation. When they are taken, the blood vessels are purified, hearing and vision improve, potency increases - the body rejuvenates.
Spermatozoa are nothing more than a concentrate of nucleic acids and biologically active substances necessary for their synthesis: proteins, phosphorus, cholesterol, calcium, selenium, zinc, potassium. These valuable substances can be found in any seeds, nuts, grains, sesame seeds, carrot seeds, chestnuts, pistachios and beans. They also contain the phenomenon of male longevity.